
Thursday, 28 March 2013

Description of an object

LI: To write a detailed description of an object including its use

SC:It must have adjectives to describe size, colour, shape, a simile and information about how it is used and by whom

Following our visit to MOTAT we are going to write three descriptions of different objects based on the above criteria. You can view our video on our class blog to support your ideas.

1. Object: Steam Train
size -  Large
colour - Black
shape-  cylinder
simile - As Hot like a Heat train
used by - steam
purpose - To make people go around the city

2. Object:Model A Ford
size -  Large
colour - Red and Black
simile -As slow as a turtle
purpose -To take short rides

3. Object: Steam Roller
size -  Small
colour -  Green
shape- Circle
simile -  As small like  
used by - Steam

purpose - The tram is like a bust but the tram go’s short places to drop

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