
Friday, 28 November 2014

Acrostic poems on Seasons and Natural disasters

WALT: create poems on Seasons and Natural disasters
Success Criteria: I am able to use the various guidelines to write a poem.

E normous
A fter shock
R age
T ectonic plates
H umongous
Q uakes
U nstoppable
A nnoying
K ilometres
E arthquakes

Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 10.20.21.png

T hunderly weather
O pen houses
R aining and hailing
N o one is safe
A nybody can get hurt
D amped houses
O ver rated

Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 10.25.30.png
H eavy wind
U nstoppible
R age
R aining heavily
I nsane weather
C ourageous
A ngry people
N ever ending rain until the hurricane stops
E endless wind
Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 10.25.30.png

Tropical disaster
S uper waves
U nderneath the water
N o one is safe
A valanche of water
M oving so fast
I nsane water flow
Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 11.42.37.png

S trong winds
T ragic weather
O pen houses
R oads cracked
M asive clouds

F illing waters in all sideways
L eaking through all alleys
O verflowing rivers and bays
O verflowing streets, stations and houses
D eep riviers
S cared people to go in the water

C ourageous
Y asi cyclone
Caving building
L ong cloud which is strong
O nly on cyclone to destroy something
N ever run outside
E vacuation

S unshine is here
U umbrellas to block the sun
M aking summer crafts
M unching on food at the beach
E ating ice cream
R eflection on the water
Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 09.33.24.png

A valanche of leaves
U underneath the tree
T rees are bare
U p in the tree changing colour
M igrating
N ight gets longer
Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 09.47.42.png

W inter is cold
I nside where its warm
N ever hot
T ightly packed snow
E verything is covered in snow
R aining snow
Screenshot 2014-11-20 at 09.43.56.png

S unny weather
P retty flowers
R oses bloom
I n spring its warm
N ature
G rowing flowers

Screenshot 2014-11-18 at 10.44.13.png

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Actrostic poem's

L.I: I am learning to write an acrostic poem

S.C: I am able to use the various guidelines to write a poem.

C anterbury
H ospital
R oads cracking
I mpact
S haking
T rembling
C racks
H uge
U nderneath the table
R uggered
C hristchurch
H ouses

E normous
A fter shock
R age
T ectonic plates
H umongous
Q uakes
U nstoppable
A nnoying
K ilometres
E arthquakes

S unny weather
P retty flowers
R oses bloom

I n spring its warm
G rowing flowers

By: Bono N

Monday, 10 November 2014

Fraction Game

Today I played a challenging fractions game titled Fraction Splat and I scored 165 points

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Types of Fishing

 Although there are many types of catching fish, they fall into three groups

1. Catching fish singly or in schools by use of nets or spears 

2. Trapping fish in stationary gear, such as fish traps or set nets 

3. Attracting fish to get caught on hooks by use of bait, artificial lures or other means such as light 

Before you go fishing you must choose what's the best type to use.  Factors include:
  • where you are fishing?
  • what species you are fishing for?
  • the weather and sea conditions?
  • the cost of the boat, gear and fuel?
  • the market requirements?

Hunting the Hunters


Hunting the Hunters by Mary Sutherland

WALT: Learning to make predictions on what is going to happen next in the text by using the keywords in the preceding sentences and paragraphs.
SUCCESS CRITERIA: I am able to predict as to what is going to happen next in the text.

1. What does a spiders eyes work like?
Spiders eyes work like mirrors.
2. Why are most spiders active at night?
Most spiders are active at night because the birds might eat them.
3. How can you know that a spider is a female spider?
Because it’s carrying an egg sack or even a piggy -backing.
4. What are some of the disadvantages for spiders working at night?
It needs some light to help it see where its going.
5. How do some spiders catch their food?
They stalk and pounce on their prey

Activity 2 - Dictionary and Vocabulary
1.  Locate these words in the text and then use an online dictionary to find the meanings
    of these words.
2.  Make sentences with these words.

1.  pouncing
Spring or swoop suddenly so as to catch prey
I saw the cat pouncing on it’s prey
2.  workers
A person who produces or achieves a specified thing
There were workers working on the road
3.  sparkles
Shine brightly with flashes of light
I saw sparkles in my drink
4.  hunting
The activity of hunting wild animals or game, especially for food or sport.
I was hunting a deer
5.  reflecting
Engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits
The light was reflecting back into my eyes
6.  active
Something that is on
My account was still active when I left my house
7.  creature
An animal, as distinct from a human being.
I saw a creature on the planet
8.  expect
Regard something as likely to happen.
I expected my mum to get me a drink.
9. reinforce
Strengthen or support
I reinforced my friend in a battle
10. absorbed
Take in or soak up
The Alien absorbed my dog

Activity 3 -  Click on the link below and then read the article on How Waves are Made. After you have read the article, write down five facts about How Waves are Made.

* Waves are a product of the wind.
*The best waves for surfing are the result of the interaction of winds on the surface of the ocean, far away from the coast.
*Wind is the first step in the formation of surf able waves.
*Local shore winds can also produce waves, but they can also destroy the quality of the breaking waves.

*Onshore winds are typically known for creating choppy and bumpy waves because their effect is added to the direction of the wave.